What media bias? Say, did you know that the Palestinian terrorist who murdered a father of five in the West Bank wasn’t imprisoned just for stone-throwing? That he actually was a terrorist trying to kill Israeli soldiers? If you read most of the MSM, of course you wouldn’t know that. Amazing how even Reuters manages to report the truth about terrorists, while the AP always, always whitewashes.
Salam was released from an Israeli jail just two months ago after completing a 3-1/2-year term for planting explosives by Israel’s separation barrier near his village and trying to wrest a gun from a soldier, his family said.
CNN couldn’t find the information, either. I probably shouldn’t be surprised that there never seems to be any sort of investigative reporting about Palestinian murderers. After all, it’s extremely rare that the MSM actually names a victim of Palestinian terror, let alone mention that he’s a father of five. Of course, the above link has lots of editorializing by the reporter on how violent the town where Eviatar Borovsky lived. Because Jews don’t belong in the West Bank, dontchaknow.
What peace partners? 40% of Palestinians approve of suicide bombings in the name of Islam.
Irony of the day: Hamas is cracking down on terrorists. Really, you could almost laugh. Hamas is trying to stop the Salafi terrorists from launching any more rockets into Israel. Why? Because the IDF will take them out if Hamas doesn’t. So you see this headline in the Arab press and have to just shake your head.
Hamas’s Military Wing Securing Borders with Israel
Yeah, let’s keep up the fiction of the “military wing” vs. the “political wing”. Because that way we can pretend they’re not a terrorist organization.
What protective force? We should totally let them run Jerusalem. You know that supposed solution to the Jerusalem problem? A city open to all run by the UN? Well, UNIFIL was placed in southern Lebanon to prevent Hizbullah from re-arming and retaking the south in anticipation of another war with Israel. So what’s happening now? UNIFIL stands aside as Hezbullah does whatever the hell it wants.
The Belgians cocked their rifles and one of the Lebanese men put his hand inside his jacket as if to reach for a pistol.
Another of the four men quickly interceded and explained they did not want any trouble. The four men returned to the car and drove away, taking with them the camera and the vehicle keys, leaving the Belgians stranded. Moments later, the car reversed back down the track and the keys were tossed out of the window for the Belgians to collect.
Yeah, that’ll show ‘em. Good job, UNIFIL!